Clara Sievert

Clara Sievert

PhD candidate in Political Economy and Government, Economics

Harvard University


I’m an economist and researcher. I do research in political economy, development economics, and health with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa. I primarily employ surveys and field experiments in my research.

I received my PhD in Political Economy and Government (Economics track) from Harvard University in 2024. It is a degree that combines the Economics Department’s PhD program with support from the Harvard Kennedy School. In September 2024, I will join CERGE-EI as an assistant professor (tenure track).

In my job market paper, I study supernatural beliefs about the cause of illness and their implications for medical decision-making in Sub-Saharan Africa with a focus on the DR Congo.


  • Development Economics
  • Political Economy
  • Health Economics


  • PhD in Political Economy and Government, Economics, 2024

    Harvard University

  • MSc in Economics

    Bonn University

  • BSc in Economics

    Münster University

Ongoing Research

Mental Health at European Economics Departments
Markets and the Making of Modern `Sensibilities'? Experimental Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
The Religious Landscape of Kananga, D.R. Congo


Harvard University

Ec2325: Comparative Economic Historical Development

Teaching Fellow for Prof. Nathan Nunn, graduate

Ec1436: Economics and Morality

Teaching Felllow for Prof. Benjamin Enke, undergraduate

Ec1450: Religion and Political Economy

Teaching Fellow for Prof. Robert Barro, undergraduate

Ec1017: A Libertarian Perspective on Economic, Social, and Foreign Policy

Teaching Fellow for Jeffrey Miron, undergraduate